Early intervention support class
Support classes (EI) provide individualised services for children with disabilities who are below school age. The EI support teacher works collaboratively with staff across a range of early childhood settings to develop, implement and monitor educational programs and to prepare children for transition to school. Early Intervention support classes are available for children from age 3 years to school entry.
The Drummond Early Intervention program embraces the practices and principles of the Early Years Learning Framework and is built on:
- high quality early childhood education and care practices
- evidence-based best practice early childhood intervention strategies
Early intervention program
The Early Intervention class at Drummond MPS offers excellent small group support for children with additional needs and strongly values the importance of a play-based program.
With a child first focus, the program provides a wide range of active and meaningful experiences that incorporate choice for children allowing them to experience autonomy and mastery as well as fun and enjoyment. The small group setting helps children learn to:
- Observe, share and take turns with other children
- Engage in socially challenging situations within a supportive environment
- Follow a simple routine
- Explore new play experiences
- Develop and practice their skills in all areas.
When the program operates
The program operates sessions from 9.30am-12pm five days per week during school term.
Each session caters for up to six children. Children may attend up to two sessions per week.
A special education teacher and teacher aide work to provide a safe, nurturing environment that encourages learning, confidence and a sense of belonging.
Who can enrol
Children from age three to school age who have a diagnosed disability or delay in development.
How to enrol
Contact Learning and Wellbeing on 6776 4100 to enquire about eligibility and enrolment procedures. Alternatively, referrals for placement in the class can be made by your paediatrician, therapist, or early childhood staff at your child's centre.
Multi-Categorical Class
Drummond Memorial Public Schools offers a Multi-categorical Class (MC) where special needs students work towards achieving K- 6 outcomes in each of the Key Learning Areas in a smaller classroom setting with up to 10 children with a full time Special Education Trained Teacher and a Full time School Learning Support Officer.
The MC Class provides a dynamic learning environment where each student is encouraged to reach his or her full potential whilst experiencing success.
Parents work together with teachers to develop an Individual Education Programs which cater for their child's special needs.
Drummond Memorial Public School is committed to ensuring that all students reach independence, appropriate to their abilities, in a safe and supportive environment.